Idiosynthesize - mold the chaos
Idiosynthesize - mold the chaos
This is an album of one of two things: art that randomly came from my head or rough sketches that people has challenged me to do. If you want to give me a sketch challenge, check out the guidelines at my profile
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Keep Yourself Alive, Queen - Sol Badguy, Guilty Gear
Keep Yourself Alive, Queen - Sol Badguy, Guilty Gear 
Medium: Hand drawn, Photoshop CS
This picture actually came about almost entirely by accident. I drew it while I was on duty one day and kept it sort of rotting on my computer for a while. When I finally got around to coloring it, it was done in flat color and the shading done while I was scribbling with the brush on a low opacity. When I hid the layer with the flat color to see if I missed anything to be shaded, I really liked how the shading looked on its own. With the background I was just messing around and, well, that happened.
This is probably one of my favorite pieces I've ever done. I knew there was a reason I liked Sol XD